Different Dimensions Of Text Information And Media

Different Dimensions Of Text Information And Media

Describe the different dimensions of text information and media?

Daftar Isi

1. Describe the different dimensions of text information and media?




because they to play the people in the other place



play outside and he is very happy

2. Describe the different dimension of text information and media


Text information and media have many different dimensions. Some of these dimensions include:

Word countSentence lengthNumber of paragraphsSentence complexity ( i.e., how many clauses are in each sentence)The number of nouns, verbs, and adjectives used in text/mediaThe general theme or topic of the text/media

3. what are the different dimension of text information and media?​


Different media and technologies operate differently overspace and time.Live media by definition are F-to-F events. such as lectures,seminars. and one-on-one face to face tutorials. A "live" event requires everyone to be present at the same place and time as everyone else. this could be a rock concert., a sports event or a lecture.

4. imagine your own information and media tool. choose among the different dimensions of information and media such as text information, visual information, audio information, motion information, manipulative information and multimedia information. you can choose and use topics from other subjects like in science, math or english.



1. Manipulative

2. Motion

3. Audio

4. Text

5. Visual

6. Audio

7. Text

8. Visual

9. Manipulative

10. Motion

11. Visual

12. Manipulative

13. Audio

14. Text

15. Audio

16. Motion

17. Motion

18. Manipulative

19. Text

20. VisualVisual



1. Manipulative

2. Motion

3. Audio

4. Text

5. Visual

6. Audio

7. Text

8. Visual

9. Manipulative

10. Motion

11. Visual

12. Manipulative

13. Audio

14. Text

15. Audio

16. Motion

17. Motion

18. Manipulative

19. Text

20. Visual

7. Direction: Identify the different dimensions of information and media described ineach statement. Write TM for text information and media, VM for visual informationand media, AM for audio information and media. MM for motion information andmedia, MA for manipulative information and media, and MI for multimedia informationand media. 1. Teachers use power point presentation to introduce their lessons in class2. Painter is a person who produces work of art with colors, lines, and shapesusing paint as medium.3. Contributor is someone who writes his opinion, insights, and commentariesabout political or social issues.4. Photographers take pictures or images using a camera.5. Actor is regarded as a performer who gives life to a role6. A hair product advertisement claimed that with regular use of a particular brandof shampoo, hair would grow thicker in just three days.7. Data encoder is a person who oversees encoding the handwritten text into softcopy8 Disk jockey plays music on-air and can interact with their audience during thelive broadcasts and featured promotional events.9. Music artist commonly referred to as recording artist is a musician who recordsand releases music.10. Director supervises and instructs performers or actors on how they shouldact based on the role as describes in the script.11. It is an amateur video released through social media that claimed UFOsightings in Mt. Makiling, which caused the people to panic.12. Makeup artist is the one responsible for making the actors look their best byapplying makeup13. Emcee serves as the official host of a staged event or performance, givingthe performers instructions on the sequence of events in a program or event.14. Blogger writes personal opinions about issues or topics that interest him.15. Graphic artist or designer sets the images, illustrations, charts, and tables onthe manuscript​



2.MA not sure















not 100%sure but yung iba

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