Father Of Children s Literature

III. Analyzing Literature Directions: Read the story of “Lord Krishna” and answer the questions that follow. Type your answers in the space provided. Lord Krishna The future Lord Krishna was born into dangerous circumstances. His uncle, the evil King Kamsa, had been told that Krishna's mother would give birth to a son who would destroy him. So, the king imprisoned his sister and killed her children. But when Krishna was born, his father spirited him away to be raised by another family. Though young and gentle, Krishna had great wisdom bestowed upon him by Lord Vishnu. In those days, Krishna lived in Vrindavan, a holy town in Uttar Pradesh, northern India. Each year, the people there made offerings to Indra, the fierce ruler of clouds and rain, hoping to soothe Indra’s temper. Krishna clearly recognized that Indra was neither generous nor sincere; he was selfish, haughty, and unworthy of respect. Krishna thought of teaching Indra a lesson so he told the people. “Indra is a bully we need not serve. Instead, it makes more sense to worship Govardhan, our mountain that supports us. Let us honor, kind Govardhan, who unselfishly shares her lush forests and urges the clouds to shower us.” The people agreed with Krishna’s idea. After Indra had known this, he flew into a mighty rage. “These farmers ignore me to worship a mountain on the advice of a child? What an insult! I shall severely punish them!” he thundered. Indra ordered the clouds to send furious winds and driving rains to Vrindavan. The storm terrified the people who fearfully sought help from young Krishna. With supreme calmness, grace, and power, Krishna lifted Govardhan into the air using only the little finger of his left hand. He steadfastly held the mountain like an umbrella, protecting Vrindavan for seven stormy days and nights. With this, Indra acknowledged his error. He ceased the storm and deeply apologized to Krishna. Thus, this made humans learn not to give in to disaster and become resilient. Provide the plot of the story. Exposition: 16-17 _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Rising Action: 18-19. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________. Climax: 20-21. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Falling Action: 22-23. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Resolution: 24-25. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. 26-30. What have you learned from the story? What do you think is the theme? ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________. … Baca Selengkapnya

Ws log Dll

which of the following is the melodic pattern of the major scale A. WS-WS-HS-WS-WS-WS-HSB. WS-HS-WS-HS-WS-WS-WSC. WS-WS-WS-HS-HS-WS-WSD. WS-WS-WS-WS-HS-HS-WS​ … Baca Selengkapnya

Teacher s Guide Grade 10 Math Unit 3

Learning Task 5: Visualize the volume of the following by dividing the given number of units then give the number of cube units write your answer jn your answer sheet1.) H= 2units W= 1unit L= 4units2.) H= 3units W= 2units L= 2units3.) H= 2units W= 4units L= 1 units4.) S= 2units 5.) S= 3 units​ … Baca Selengkapnya