It Narrative Report

It Narrative Report

A webinar narrative report sample a webinar narrative report sample a webinar narrative report sample

1. A webinar narrative report sample a webinar narrative report sample a webinar narrative report sample


sample narrative support

2. Narrative Report: creat a narrative report about the evolution of agricultural machinery in general.​


thanks for point


hope it helps Tama Po Yan

3. school science narrative reportscience narrative report ​


WDLTS offers compelling insights into the negotiated identity of technical education in reaction to the ebb and flow of funding, the local economy, school ...

4. Ano ang narrative report

narrative report is a report that has many information into it and can help the reader be informed ..

is to describe something. Is told from a particular point of view.

5. narrative report of vlog making​


Vlogs make it easy for us to replace our own experience with those of others. ... The danger arises when we become to immersed in their narrative.

6. Write a narrative report on these topics.​


1. Transformational Leadership:

Barack Obama: The former U.S. President was known for his transformational approach to running his administration, as well as his unifying, motivating, and hopeful communication style.

2. Evolutionary Leadership:

Evolutionary Leadership is a capacity to mobilize oneself and others to consciously and effectively redesign worldviews, cultures, and institutions for a more just, sustainable, and flourishing world.

3. Instructional Leadership:

Instructional leadership is a model of school leadership in which a principal works alongside teachers to provide support and guidance in establishing best practices in teaching. Principals employing this model of leadership communicate with their staff and together set clear goals related to student achievement.

Explanation: Research po yan. Diko po alam kung yan po yung hinahanap nyong answer.

7. narrative report in gardening.​


sun water


yob express toy van


just click the pictures above nalng po

8. what are the parts of narrative report?​


The narrative essay format consists of an introduction, a thesis statement, the main body, and a conclusion. The first two are an overview of what your whole text will talk about; the main body will introduce and develop your characters, locations, and dialogues to further sum up the story in the conclusion


Thank me later! stay safe everyone



Every narrative should have five elements to become a story: plot, setting, character, conflict, and theme

9. example of narrative report

chool/Classroom/ Background

Elise attends the fourth grade at Wallingford Elementary School, which is located in the Pennsylvania town of Wallingford, a predominantly upper-middle class community. According to the school’s website, “ ‘Just the facts’ does not cut it here. Students are actively engaged in meaningful learning experiences. As a result they gain a wealth of skills, vast amounts of knowledge, and a genuine life-long love for learning.” There are opportunities for students to pursue their interests through before and after school activities such as French or Spanish Club, and numerous in-school enrichment activities such as the Global Warming Group, instrument lessons, Student Council, or Math Olympiad. Children participate in these activities based on personal interest, and are expected to balance both extracurricular activities and academic curriculum. Some activities involve parent support, and parents are usually actively engaged with the students either through the home or school, or both. The school also seems to strive to provide an environment where individual attention is given to all those who need it, especially through their enrichment, IST, and IEP programs.

The most striking sign in Elise’s classroom is a banner in the back of the classroom that states “What will you learn today? What will you teach today?” This particular classroom seemed to encourage an atmosphere where students were invited to share their learning and bring in personal interests. The desks were grouped in clusters, with about 4 to 5 desks in each group. Student-crafted, paper-maché globes hung from the ceilings, and carefully made snowflakes spotted the windows. On the board, the “Do Now” was placed at the far left and the daily schedule was placed at the far right. In the back of the room, charts of contractions lined the blackboard, remnants of when students performed “grammar surgery” on words with the “contractionitis” disease. Several poster size board games were propped up on the blackboard, which served as visual aids for students’ Book Share projects.

According to the fourth grade teachers in the school, fourth grade was as an academic leap for many students. Fourth grade was when school became more “academic”, meaning students started to be held more accountable to their learning by taking tests, student’s responsibility for homework increased relative to earlier grades, and paragraph and essay writing became an important part of their success in all content areas.

According to previous teachers, Elise had thrived in earlier classrooms, because of her independence; desire to do well in school, and her general love of reading.

10. Narrative Report For Cookery​


I to po sir wwkwkwkwk


11. narrative report in starting business​


Business Narrative Report Sample Outline

What does your business do?

What makes your business unique?

Who is your business's target market?

What are your customers like?

What benefits does your business provide to your customers?

What are your business's long-term goals?

What do you need to accomplish those goals?


sana makatulong godblessed

12. Narrative report in cookery





13. narrative report in gardening​


asan po yong pic asan asan

14. write a narrative report​


yan narrative report nasa picture


click mo picture

15. explain narrative report

to analyze a narrative, you need break down plot elements, sort out the sequence of events and recognize how the author's style and the narrative points of view influences the storytelling.

16. narrative report in cookery ​




Some people will go their entire lives without ever learning how to prepare food. I have enjoyed cooking from the first time I have ever made a meal and I believe I will enjoy it until the day I die. Learning to cook was not exactly an easy experience, yet it was still extremely rewarding. Cooking is an imperative skill for people to learn and I have spent years teaching myself how to be a better cook, and I intend to spend many more perfecting food.

17. narrative report for cooking method​


For cooking you like example


Like im putting you to a cooking pot

So long lol

18. narrative report of preparing sandwiches

On a beautiful morning, I decided to prepare some sandwiches for a picnic with my friends. I gathered all the ingredients, which included bread slices, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, mayonnaise, mustard, and sliced chicken.

I started by toasting the bread slices lightly in a toaster, so they wouldn't become too soggy once the sandwich was assembled. Then I spread mayonnaise and mustard on each slice of bread.

Next, I layered the sandwich with fresh lettuce leaves, sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, and cheese. I also added some sliced chicken to give it a savory taste.

Once I had all the ingredients in place, I carefully closed the sandwich and wrapped it with parchment paper. It was important to wrap the sandwich tightly to prevent it from getting soggy or losing its shape.

After making a few sandwiches, I placed them all in airtight containers and stored them in a cooler bag with ice packs. This would ensure that the sandwiches would remain fresh and cool until we were ready to eat them.

Finally, I set out to the picnic spot with my friends. When we reached the place, I unwrapped the sandwiches and arranged them on a platter. They looked delicious, and we were all excited to try them.

As we took a bite of the sandwiches, we could taste the freshness of the ingredients and the perfect blend of flavors. We enjoyed our picnic, and the sandwiches were a hit among my friends.

In conclusion, preparing sandwiches requires attention to detail, from selecting the ingredients to storing them properly. By following these steps, we can ensure that our sandwiches remain fresh and delicious, making our picnic or any meal a delightful experience.

19. Give the Narrative report.​


Steps on how to make a compost pit

1. Maghukay ng lupa isang metro.

2.Pagtapos na, dahan2x lagyan ng mga mabubulok tulad ng pinagbalatang gulay,prutas,mga dahon, dumi ng baka.

3. Takpan gamit ang dahon ng saging o yero.

4. Araw-araw itong diligan.


Nag base lang ako sa ginawa namin na project sa grade 4.

20. narrative reports of answering pmodule ​

The SEES Online Module Overview and Module 1 Implementationstarted at exactly 8:00 am in the morning at Goggle Meet. Thesession started with a brief overview with the program, the legalbases, program objectives, proponent and what PFA or PsychologicalFirst Aid is. It was followed by an overview on the four Modules ofSEES and the online collection process of the outputs.Module 1 session entitled "Validating feelings and normalizingreactions” started by giving the objective for todays’ session. First, toidentify feelings or reactions related to the pandemic or any form ofdisaster; and second to accept that all feelings and reactions arenormal and valid.

21. narrative report in tree planting​


i dont think this is correct but i hope it helps im sorry

22. Narrative Report of cleaning​


clean nalang po please haha

23. What Is Narrative Reports


The purpose of a narrative report is to describe something. Many students write narrative reports thinking that these are college essays or papers. ... A basic example of a narrative report is a "book report" that outlines a book; it includes the characters, their actions, possibly the plot, and, perhaps, some scenes.


The purpose of a narrative report is to describe something. Many students write narrative reports thinking that these are college essays or papers. ... A basic example of a narrative report is a "book report" that outlines a book; it includes the characters, their actions, possibly the plot, and, perhaps, some scenes.

24. narrative report in work immersion

o always love immersion

25. narrative report for tree planting?​

Explanation:NARRATIVE REPORT ON TREE PLANTINGTree planting is the process of transplantingtreeseedlings,generally forforestry, land reclamation,orlandscapingpurposes. It differs from the transplantation of largertreesinarboriculture,and from the lower cost butslower and less reliable distribution of treeseeds.

As a start, we planted almost 200 Mahogany trees lastMarch 9, 2012-03-1. At the vicinity of our barangay hall,particularly around the covered court; the said area was pre-arranged by our Brgy. Captain Danilo Musni. We really needthese trees to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The barangay officials have already started identifyingsafety sites where the seedlings will be placed. Tree plantingactivity is not just being simple tree planting, we will now alsorequire students to take care of and nurture the seedlings theyplanted until such time that they are grown.

Planting trees is very essentials because it is considered to be the lungs of theearth since it provides all animals the fresh air we breathe.Participants are pupils, student teacher, teachers andBarangay officials.

•|Picture is in above~


26. example of narrative report​


A narrative report is a detailed illustration of an event that has occurred in chronological order.Simple put,it is a detailed chronological peace


thanks me later, pa follow nadin

27. narrative report for work immersion

Answer:1. Differences

   Essays give you more opportunity to expand on possibilities, ideas or concepts; this means essays can explore more hypothetical situations. On the other hand, simple reports deal with describing and/or analyzing real past events; it can be written to make predictions or recommendations for the future.

   Essays content flows without breakage meaning the organization of thoughts are only divided by paragraphs but still has continuity into it.

   Reports are usually divided into sections, headings and sub-headings. Illustrations, diagrams, attractive charts, tables, etc. are also used in a formal report.

   Reports can be presented orally while essay are usually submitted in a written or printed document.

   Essays are usually written in the third person while reports can use either first or third person.

   The usage of bullet points in a report is very common while it is not common in an essay.

   A Recommendation for Action section is included in a report but is very unusual in an essay.

2. Similarities

   Both have one or more central point to focus on and given emphasis. You may also see marketing report examples.

   Both can include references however they vary in the method for citing such references.

   Both should definitely include an introduction and conclusion.

   Both are comprehensively structured and has a logical progression of ideas.

   Although they use different method, both have text broken into readable chunks. Sections for reports, paragraphs for essay. You may also like management report examples.

   Only one key point is discussed in every report section or essay paragraph.


28. narrative report of ict​


The Narrative Group at ICT investigates storytelling and the human mind, exploring how people experience, interpret, and narrate the events in their lives. ...



There for I conclude that after studying 2 yrs as Information and Communication Technology student inGingoog City Computer School. I will be able to have a good and better life in the future with the use of thisknowledge I have learned depending on how we use it. Students who graduated in this course can have anoption on what field should they practice more, either on hardware, software, program, multimedia, or any of the lessons we have learned. Having this kind of skills or knowledge about computers is not that easy to have,

especially if we don’t really take time to earn it. Many people has a computer and uses it in their homes,

offices, schools, internet cafes etc. but if there is something wrong in the computers who would they call? Soas a graduate student in the future with this course, I can be the man who will answer the call of people whoneeds help on their computers


sana po maka helps... good luck nlng po lods <3

29. make a narrative report​


It was my second day on the job. I was sitting in my seemingly gilded cubicle, overlooking Manhattan, and pinching my right arm to make sure it was real. I landed an internship at Condé Nast Traveler. Every aspiring writer I’ve ever known secretly dreamt of an Anthony Bourdain lifestyle. Travel the world and write about its most colorful pockets.

When my phone rang, and it was Mom telling me Dad had a heart attack. He didn’t make it. I felt as though the perfectly carpeted floors had dropped out from under me. Now that I’ve come out the other side, I realize Dad left me with a hefty stack of teachings. Here are three ideals I know he would’ve liked for me to embrace.

First, you have to stand on your own two feet. As much as our parents love and support us, they can’t go to our school and confess to the principal that we stole a candy bar from Sara. We have to do that. Neither can they walk into the Condé Nast office and nail a job interview for us. At some point, we have to put on our “big girl pants” and be brave, even if we’re not.

Also, there’s a difference between love and co-dependence. Being grateful to have someone to turn to for love and support is not the same as needing someone to turn to for love and support. With the loss of my father, I’ve also lost my sounding board. All I can glean from that is it’s time to look within myself and make proper assessments. If I can’t make sound decisions with the tools already in my kit, then I risk falling for anything.

Finally, memories are, perhaps, the only item that cannot be taken away from us. Will I miss my father? Every single day. What can I do in those times? I can open up our suitcase of memories, pick out my favorite one, and dream about it, talk about it, or write about it. Maybe I can’t pick up the phone and call him anymore, but that doesn’t mean he’s gone.

Next week, I’m off to Istanbul to explore their art scene. As soon as I read the email from my editor, I picked up my phone to call Dad. Then, I realized he’ll never answer my calls again. I fought back the tears, got up to make a cup of peppermint tea, and added a new note to my iPhone titled, “Istanbul Packing List.”

In the end, life goes on. I’m not sure why he had to leave during the single most poignant chapter in my life. So, I won’t dwell on that. Instead, I’ll hold tightly to these three ideals and write about Karaköy in Istanbul’s Beyoğlu district. Dad will be with me every step of the way.



30. narrative report about hotel

A hotel can be a place of relaxation or excitement. Some people might find both experiences helpful, while others may find one specific experience more so. For my part, I would recommend the hotel I stayed at. Whether you're looking for a relaxing at-home getaway or a fun day at the beach, the story of my visit to the hotel is sure to please. The service was top-notch, and the prices were reasonable. The room was neat and comfortable and the breakfast tasted delicious. The location was convenient for shopping and restaurants. I would stay there again.

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