P g Global Reasoning Test

P g Global Reasoning Test

C O P I N G Please give the meaning of each letter and Reason

Daftar Isi

1. C O P I N G Please give the meaning of each letter and Reason




kaping barako ang ibig sabihin niya translate mo po ung coping promise legit to

2. 9. The passageway of sperm coming from the g. P h. U i. testes.​


sana makatulong pa Brainliest ako

3. Compare Globalization to something which you think would best represent it and point out your reason why ​


Globalization allows companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products. It also increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger variety of choices for consumers. Lowered costs help people in both developing and already-developed countries live better on less money.


you can correct me po if it is wrong

4. What are the main reason why global warming occuring?give 5 reasons​


1. Deforestation (trees and plants need carbon dioxide to make the sugars they need to grow. Without trees, the level of carbon dioxide in earth will rise up therefore, tataas rin temp sa earth)

2. Air pollution (smoke from companies, pagsusunog ng tao gamit ang plastic,kahoy etc)

3. Overpopulation ( basta nagproproduce ng carbon dioxide ang mga tao dahil sa exchanging ng hangin sa lungs kaya kapag maraming tao mas maraming naproproduce na carbon dioxide)

4. Burning fossil fuels (isa sa mga sanhi ito ng pagkakaroon ng global warming, ito ay isa sa mga malalaking nagproproduce ng carbon dioxide)

5. People activities/human activities ( basta eto talaga dahilan kung bat may global warming dahil sa pinag gagawa ng tao sa mundo katulad ng pagsusunog, pagpuputol ng puno etc.)




(Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide are responsible for about two-thirds of the total energy imbalance that is causing Earth's temperature to rise)...


5. global warming is real. reason:???


Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth's temperature. This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.




Global Warming can affect the glaciers by melting them

if the glaciers melt then people will not get fresh water and there will be a lot of stress on water.

6. enumerate and explain the reasons for globalization​


enumerate and explain the reason for global


I don't know

7. what is the reason of global migration?​


Higher income levels and economic growth also leads to rise in international migration levels, explained by the “Migration slump”, where migrants with increased income levels choose to migrate because they can afford it, therefore leading to a boom of migrating nationals.

8. what is Be Local, Global, and Glocal


Local brands as those with a hoght brand localness and global brands as those with a high brands globalness, whereas global brands are perceived to have both high brands localness and globalness simulataneously.



9. similarities between globalization and glocalization​


Globalism is the word used to define any activity by distance while globalization is the increase or shrink of those activity. Globalism tells us the root events while globalization tells us the intensity of those events. Globalism produces intercontinental networks such as political agreement while globalization produces the end result such as warfare and/or pandemic.


10. Describe global and glocal teachers​


GLOBAL EDUCATION AND THE GLOBAL TEACHER Global Teacher A GLOBAL TEACHER is a competent teacher who is armed with enough skills, appropriate attitude and universal values to teachstudents with both time tested as well as modern technologies in education in any place in the world

11. Reasons of nike for being a global corporation​


Nike is an innovator, which helps maintain its continuous international expansion. It's always pushing its creative boundaries to come up with new products and set the brand apart from competition. The company is quick to seize new technologies and opportunities to widen its customer base



get reference here

12. reason how globalization affects religion​


globalization transforms the generic 'religion' into a world-system of competing and conflicting religions. This process of institutional specialization has transformed local, diverse and fragmented cultural practices into recognizable systems of religion.



Globalization being defined as wide interaction of people around the globe. Each country has its own belief and religion and with migration and tourism of people, religion is being shared from a country to another.

13. Cite reasons in the progression of global city.​


The rise of global cities has been linked with two globalization-related trends: first, the expansion of the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) in global production patterns and, second, the decline of mass production along Fordist lines and the concomitant rise of flexible production centred within urban areas.


The rise of global cities has been linked with two globalization-related trends: first, the expansion of the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) in global production patterns and, second, the decline of mass production along Fordist lines and the concomitant rise of flexible production centred within urban areas.

14. what are the reasons and importance of globalization​


Globalization changes the way nations, businesses, and people interact


Why is globalization important? Globalization changes the way nations, businesses and people interact. Specifically, it changes the nature of economic activity among nations, expanding trade, opening global supply chains and providing access to natural resources and labor markets.

15. compared and contrasted globalization and glocalization.​

Globalization refers to the processes by which a company brings its business to the rest of the world. Internationalization is the practice of designing products, services and internal operations to facilitate expansion into international markets.

16. Reasons for global warming help please! :)


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Top 10 Causes Of Global Warming

We take a look at 10 causes of global warming that are contributing to the climate crisis

Global warming is the extra heat within the earth’s atmosphere which has caused the rise in global temperature. Global warming leads and continues to cause climate change. Climate change can cause rising sea levels, destruction of communities, as well as extreme weather conditions. Here are 10 causes of global warming that are contributing to the climate crisis. 

10. Overfishing


Fish is one of humans main sources of protein and a lot of the world now rely on this industry. Due to the amount of people buying and consuming fish, there is now a reduced amount of marine life. Overfishing has also caused a lack of diversity within the ocean.  

9. Industrialization 


Industrialisation is harmful in a variety of ways. The waste this industry produces all ends up in landfills, or in our surrounding environment. The chemicals and materials used within industrialisation can not only pollute the atmosphere but also the soil underneath it.

8. Farming


Farming takes up a lot of green space meaning local environments can be destroyed to create space for farming. These animals produce a lot of greenhouse gases for example methane, as well as this they also produce an extreme amount of waste. Factory farming is responsible for even more climate issues because of the extra pollution it produces and the more animals it can hold.

7. Consumerism 


Due to the innovations in technology and manufacturing customers are able to purchase any product at any time. This means we are producing more and more products every year, and over producing them. Most items we purchase aren't very sustainable, and because of the reduced lifetime of electronics and clothing items, we are creating more waste than ever.

6. Transport and Vehicles 


The large amount of transportation is done through cars, planes, boats and trains, almost all of which rely on fossil fuels to run. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon and other types of pollutants into the atmosphere. This makes transportation partly responsible for the greenhouse gases. This effect could be reduced with the introduction of electric vehicles.

5. Oil Drilling 


Oil drilling is responsible for 30% of the methane population and around 8% carbon dioxide pollution. Oil drilling is used to collect petroleum oil hydrocarbons in this process other gases are released into the atmosphere, which contribute to climate change, it is also toxic to the wildlife and environment it surrounds.

4. Power Plants 


Power plants burn fossil fuels to operate, due to this they produce a variety of different pollutants. The pollution they produce not only ends up in the atmosphere but also in the water ways, this largely contributes to global warming. Burning coal which is used in power plants is responsible for around 46% of total carbon emissions.  

3. Waste  


Humans create more waste now than ever before, because of the amount of packaging used and the short life cycle of products. A lot of items, waste and packaging isn't recyclable, which means it ends up in landfills. When the waste in landfills begins to decompose/break down it releases harmful gases into the atmosphere which contribute to global warming.

2. Deforestation


Deforestation is the clearance of woodland and forest, this is either done for the wood or to create space for farms or ranches. Trees and forests turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, so when they are cleared like the stored carbon is then released into the environment. Deforestation can also occur naturally which has a greater effect because of the fumes released from the fire.

1. Oil and Gas


Oil and Gas is used all the time in almost every industry. It is used the most in vehicles, buildings, production and to produce electricity. When we burn coal, oil and gases it largely adds to the climate problem. The use of fossil fuels is also a threat to wildlife and the surrounding environments, because of the toxicity it kills off plant life and leaves areas uninhabitable.


Greenhouse gasses - They cause climate change by trapping heat, and they also contribute to respiratory disease from smog and air pollution.
Deforestation- is the purposeful clearing of forested land.

17. • What is the differencebetweenglabalizationand globalism​


Globalism, at its core, seeks to describe and explain nothing more than a world which is characterized by networks of connections that span multi-continental distances. In short, consider globalism as the underlying basic network, while globalization refers to the dynamic shrinking of distance on a large scale.

Sana Makatulong :)

#Carry on Learning

#Better on Brainly

18. enumerate 7 list for reasons of inequlaity of global south and global north​


pic Po plss


salamat Po sa pag pic

19. What are the purposes/reasons for globalization?​


Globalization is about the interconnectedness of people and businesses across the world that eventually leads to global cultural, political and economic integration. It is the ability to move and communicate easily with others all over the world in order to conduct business internationally.

I hope it help

20. complete the table using the given example. C-cheerful reason- teenagers are happy and joyful people.OPING​


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21. P A G G N A P A P G A N ​

Answer: huh?

Explanation: pa brainliest po pls need lang :)

22. Reasons of global warming

Pagkasira ng ating kalikasan at pagsunog ng mga hindi dapat sunugin

23. how is glocalization globalization? argue and justify​


Mag aral ng mabuti para ang buhay ay bumuti


Mag aral ng mabuti para ang buhay ay bumuti

24. why Glovalization needs media for globalization ​


25. globalization reasons and situation​

What is Globalization?

Globalization means that the world is becoming interconnected by trade and culture exchange. This study guide looks at the reasons for globalization and its positive and negative influences.

Reasons for globalization:

There are several key factors which have influenced the process of globalisation:  

Improvements in transportation - larger cargo ships mean that the cost of transporting goods between countries has decreased. Economies of scale mean the cost per item can reduce when operating on a larger scale. Transport improvements also mean that goods and people can travel more quickly. Freedom of trade - organisations like the World Trade Organisation (WTO) promote free trade between countries, which help to remove barriers between countries. Improvements of communications - the internet and mobile technology have allowed greater communication between people in different countries. Labour availability and skills - countries such as India have lower labour costs (about a third of that of the UK) and also high skill levels. Labour intensive industries such as clothing can take advantage of cheaper labour costs and reduced legal restrictions in LEDCs.

What is the current situation?

This acceleration of economic exchanges has led to strong global economic growth. It fostered as well a rapid global industrial development that allowed the rapid development of many of the technologies and commodities we have available nowadays.

Knowledge became easily shared and international cooperation among the brightest minds speeded things up. According to some analysts, globalization has also contributed to improving global economic conditions, creating much economic wealth (thas was, nevertheless, unequally distributed – more information ahead).


26. what are rhw reasons of Globalizations?​

most important causes of globalization differ among the three major components of international market

27. Are there differences between global and glocal teachers?​


Global teachers are the one who teaches students from different countries. While the local teachers are the one who teaches the children in their home country


between global and national development and educational change in the new ... the state presently is assessing teachers' work in countries as different as South


plss respect my answer

28. Reasons of nestle for being a global corporation​


It prides itself on being the first in a market, and on being innovative and forward-looking. This dynamism, coupled with respect for the individual markets' cultures and traditions (so much so that consumers see its brands as being local), helps make Nestle the giant that it is today.

29. What is pro glabalization and Anti-globalization?​

tama yan pa brainlist nlang im not wrong

30. name 10 global cities and reasons why they are considered as a global cities.​

TUSK11 •London.•New York City.•Tokyo.•Paris.•Singapore.•Amsterdam.•Berlin.•Seoul.

A global city, also called a power city, world city, alpha city or world center, is a city which is a primary node in the global economic network. The concept comes from geography and urban studies, and the idea that globalization is created and furthered in strategic geographic locales according to a hierarchy of importance to the operation of the global system of finance and trade.



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