Ppt On Natural And Manmade Disasters

Ppt On Natural And Manmade Disasters

Was the disaster caused by natural ormanmade event?​

Daftar Isi

1. Was the disaster caused by natural ormanmade event?​


Floods, storms, earthquakes, droughts, forest fires and volcanic eruptions are among the most devastating types of natural catastrophe. But some disasters are man-made.


there are naturally disasters,such as a hurricane, earthquake,tornado,or tsunami( A BIG SURGE OF WATER FROM THE OCEAN),that happen because of the weather or the natural condition.People also can cause disaster,like causing an oil spill that pollutes the environment or starting a forest fire.

2. what the disaster caused by naturalmanmade event?to the community?​


Mandmade disasters


a disaster caused by a natural manmade

Examples given:

1. Flood- because of all trees that have been cut or destroyed there will be no more protections to a strong rain

2. Oil spill- because of all toxics and chemicals put on oceans The oil of its oceans spills and making it dangerous for both human and fishes and other ocean-livings

3.Forest fires- because of cigarttes,electric spark,and naked flame .They might touch the leaves and it will burn,fire will spread in the forest causing it Forest fires

3. Which disasters are more dangerous and should be prepared of?natural or manmade


manmade,because we even no what they 're doing to our planet


sana makatulong


Floods,storms,earthquake,droughts,forest fires and volcanic eruptions are among the most devastating types of natural catastrophe. But some disasters are man-made. these include explosions major fires, aviation shipping and railway accidents and the release of toxic substances into the environment


I Hope it helps

4. example of a sphere in nature and one that’s manmade​


WaterMelon and basketball

5. all natural resources which are given by and found in nature and are,therefore,not manmade?​






Natural Gas etc...

6. what is natural or manmade​


natural is a natural place

7. 1. What disaster has taken place?2. Was the disaster caused by natural ormanmade event?3. What did the disaster incur to thecommunity?4. Did the community know about theoccurrence of the disaster?5. What did the community do to preparefor the impacts of the disaster?​


disasters can be classified into three types: (1) natural; (2) man-made; and (3) hybrid (see Figure 1). Natural disasters are catastrophic events resulting from natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc., over which man has no control.

8. Why Natural Senior Certificate is important ppt

Answer:  National Senior Certificate is a certificate where the student will receive at the end of his year as a Grade 12. This certificate is used to study a degree at a university and to get a National Diploma Course that's why this is important. It also regulates the practice of a policy that has an influence on the teaching and assessing of learners.


Educators in the basic education system are facing extreme challenges in assessing learners in general and in implementing assessment policy in particular. These challenges influence the pass rate, particularly in grade 12. The validity of the evidence of the learners’ performance depends on the quality and type of assessment tasks administered to those learners. Therefore, it was critical that those aspects, which pose challenges in the management of the assessment policy within the education system, be addressed by developing policies which would assist educators in managing assessment at school, since assessment forms an integral part of teaching and learning. Support programmes on policy implementation had to be developed for learners and for the training of educators, the implementation of which should improve the pass rate. These programmes had to include the conditions and roles of provincial and district education officers.

Data obtained from the questionnaire indicates that educators have knowledge of the various policies, acts and guidelines which should be used in assessing learners. However, some data indicates that some educators know about the existence of such policies, acts and guidelines but do not have knowledge of the content thereof. Data obtained from the interviews indicates that educators either know the content of policies or are only aware of them.

For more info:


9. what is manmade disaster?

Disaster that is caused by human deeds for example the land eroded because of relentless mining in the area.

10. differentiate natural earthquake from the manmade earthquake. give examples​


landslide Downing tree


Man-made earthquakes (fracking, underground nuclear tests) are more characterized by heavy vibrations, unlike natural earthquakes (Faults, tectonic plates) which are characterized by violent lateral/vertical shaking or movement.

11. hailstorm natural or manmade? ​

hailstorms occur naturally.

12. this illegal drugs is the natural version of manmade prescription opioid narcotics​


the illegal drugs it is the natural verson of manmade prescription

13. What are the similarities of Natural and Manmade events?

man made wonders can be built or made at any place with the right use of technology and resources,

natural wonders are formed with the actions of natural resources and it requires exact conditions for its formation.

14. Differentiate natural to manmade calamity?


Severe geo-physical or climatic events, such as volcanic eruptions, floods, cyclones and fires that threaten people or property, are termed as natural disasters. Man-made disasters are events which are caused by human activities (e.g. industrial chemical accidents and oil spills).


sana po makatulong

ANSWER:Severe geo-physical or climatic events, such as volcanic eruptions, floods, cyclones and fires that threaten people or property, are termed as natural disasters while the Man-made disasters are events which are caused by human activities, the example of these are industrial chemical accidents and oil spills.


Example of natural disasters/calamities:

Floods (cited to be the most common disasters worldwide) hurricanes tornadoes earthquakes

Example of man made disaster/calamities:

chemical spillage industrial accidentsdetonations biological or chemical attacksplane crashes.


15. this illegal drug is the natural version of manmade prescription oploid narcotics




This illegal drug is the natural version of manmade prescription oploid narcotics.

16. Pinakakilalang landmark (Natural at Manmade)






Chocolate Hills, Bohol


Pa heart po sana makatulong

17. 1.example of five manmade events.2.example of natural manmade events.​



1) Bhopal Gas Tragedy, India:

2) Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico:

3) Chernobyl Meltdown, Ukraine:

4) Fukushima Meltdown, Japan:

5) Global Warming, Third Planet from the Sun


Drought. Earthquake (lesser threat) Flash flood.


18. what are the main causes of manmade disaster?​


man/people/human/you and me mapawis pawis pawis


Manmade pollution is generally a byproduct of human actions such as consumption,waste,disposal,industrial production,transportion and energy generation.

19. what is the difference between manmade and natural attractions​


Manmade is something that humans/people made. Natural attractions is something humans are unable to make or do and is something God made.

20. which of the following variables will NOT determine the elements in identifying disaster risk? a.coping capacity b.population esplosion c.vulnerability to a hazard d.hazard (natural or manmade)​

The answer is B. Population Esplosion

21. How are manmade and natural are different?




Natural materials are sourced directly from nature -- cotton is picked from cotton plants, corn harvested from corn fields and granite is mined from quarries. Man-made materials, on the other hand, go through rigorous processing to alter the material so that it suits its intended purpose.

22. this illegal drug is the natural version of manmade prescription opiod narcotics​




Marijuana (cannabis) refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant and is the most commonly used illicit substance. It is now legal in some states for medical and recreational use. Some people use marijuana for its pleasurable high, but this drug also impairs short-term memory and learning, the ability to focus, and coordination. It also increases heart rate, can harm the lungs, and can increase the risk of psychosis in vulnerable people.

23. Based on the presented images, how will you differentiate natural frommanmade disasters? Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences. Write youranswer on a separate sheet of paper.​

Answer:Severe geo-physical or climatic events, such as volcanic eruptions, floods, cyclones and fires that threaten people or property, are termed as natural disasters. Man-made disasters are events which are caused by human activities (e.g. industrial chemical accidents and oil spills).

Explanation: brainliest pls mark me

24. what are the effects of each meteorological hazard in natural and manmade environment?​


Natural disasters cause destruction of property, loss of financial resources, and personal injury or illness. The loss of resources, security and access to shelter can lead to massive population migrations in lesser-developed countries.


[tex]natalie \sqrt{} [/tex]

"Don't be impressed by.. money, titles, appearances, social media, achievements, degrees..Don't be impressed by.. money, titles, appearances, social media, achievements, degrees..Be impressed by.. kindness, empathy, generosity, humility, integrity, honesty..."


Natural disasters cause destruction of property, loss of financial resources, and personal injury or illness. The loss of resources, security and access to shelter can lead to massive population migrations in lesser-developed countries.

Man-made disasters are the result of carelessness or human errors during technological and industrial use. The disasters are in the form of accidents, which occur all of a sudden and take a huge toll on life and property. Mostly such disasters cause injuries, diseases and casualties where they occur.

25. how did you find the activity?? about manmade and natural disaster​


yan po yung answer


Thank you po


for me there's no such manmade disaster you kow why because if people hurt nature,nature disaster occur and hurt nature itself


hope this helps

26. In your own little ways, how are you going to prevent manmade disasters ? (Essay)​


Man-made disasters have an element of human intent, negligence, or error involving a failure of a man-made system, as opposed to natural disasters resulting from natural hazards. Such man-made disasters are crime, arson, civil disorder, terrorism, war, biological/chemical threat, cyber-attacks.

27. what is the differences about natural and manmade events​


natural can cause least damage to earth will the human's can cause much damage cause they uses some big machines that uses gasoline and gasoline will be an trace gas

28. What is natural & manmade ecosystem? pls.. answer this... :-) :-(

Artificial or man made ecosystems are created to mimic the natural ecosystems. Different artificial ecosystems are crop land and zoo (artificial terrestrial ecosystem) and dams and aquarium (artificial aquatic ecosystems). while natural ecosystem the components are created and governed through the biological laws, for example the predators feed on prey whereas in artificial ecosystem everything needs to be planned and executed.

29. give 5 examples of both natural hazard and manmade hazard​



cutting trees


earth quake


30. is cork natural or manmade?


Cork is the outer bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber L.).

100 percent natural, reusable and recyclable,

cork is, whether from the environmental, social or economic perspectives, one of the world's most versatile materials.

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