Soft Copy Stories

Soft Copy Stories

1. Here is an example of a six-word story by an unknown writer: "Thirteenth birthday, I laughed and cried." Direction:Read it closely, and find meanings, messages, and other elements of a story. Then adapt this very short story into any other genre of literature. I encourage the use of multimedia for this if possible. If not, do it on one whole sheet of a short coupon bond. Submit to me a soft copy, if done in multimedia, or the hard copy of adaptation work together with your modules. 3. Assess your adaptation by accomplishing the evaluation form you used earlier and submit it to your teacher via any of the following: email, messenger, or any soft copy transfer modes​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Here is an example of a six-word story by an unknown writer: "Thirteenth birthday, I laughed and cried." Direction:Read it closely, and find meanings, messages, and other elements of a story. Then adapt this very short story into any other genre of literature. I encourage the use of multimedia for this if possible. If not, do it on one whole sheet of a short coupon bond. Submit to me a soft copy, if done in multimedia, or the hard copy of adaptation work together with your modules. 3. Assess your adaptation by accomplishing the evaluation form you used earlier and submit it to your teacher via any of the following: email, messenger, or any soft copy transfer modes​



2. Directions: 1. Here is an example of a six-word story by an unknown writer: "Thirteenth birthday, I laughed and cried." 2. Read it closely, and find meanings, messages, and other elements of a story. Then adapt this very short story into any other genre of literature. I encourage the use of multimedia for this if possible. If not, do it on one whole sheet of a short coupon bond. Submit to me a soft copy, if done in multimedia, or the hard copy of adaptation work together with your modules. 3. Assess your adaptation by accomplishing the evaluation form you used earlier and submit it to your teacher via any of the following: email, messenger, or any soft copy transfer modes​ respect for the answer



1. Here is an example of a six-word story by an unknown writer:

"Thirteenth birthday, I laughed and cried."

2. Read it closely, and find meanings, messages, and other elements of a story. Then

adapt this very short story into any other genre of literature. I encourage the use of

multimedia for this if possible. If not, do it on one whole sheet of a short coupon bond. Submit to me a soft copy, if done in multimedia, or the hard copy of adaptation

work together with your modules.

3. Assess your adaptation by accomplishing the evaluation form you used earlier

and submit it to your teacher via any of the following: email, messenger, or any soft

copy transfer modes

respect for the answer

ayusin po yung question

3. Assessment 1 – Self-Assessment Directions: 1. Here is an example of a six-word story by an unknown writer: “Thirteenth birthday, I laughed and cried.” 2. Read it closely, and find meanings, messages, and other elements of a story. Then adapt this very short story into any other genre of literature. I encourage the use of multimedia for this if possible. If not, do it on one whole sheet of a short coupon bond. Submit to me a soft copy, if done in multimedia, or the hard copy of adaptation work together with your modules. 3. Assess your adaptation by accomplishing the evaluation form you used earlier and submit it to your teacher via any of the following: email, messenger, or any soft copy transfer modes​

A seemingly ideal day turns disastrous when California's notorious San Andreas fault triggers a devastating, magnitude 9 earthquake, the largest in recorded history. As the Earth cracks open and buildings start to crumble, Ray Gaines (Dwayne Johnson), an LAFD search-and-rescue helicopter pilot, must navigate the destruction from Los Angeles to San Francisco to bring his estranged wife (Carla Gugino) and their only daughter (Alexandra Daddario) to safety.

4. Analyze if the story is well written or weak. Criticize the opening lines. Write 350 words explaining why you view those opening lines. Anonymous The atmosphere was dense for all of my senses. The dimly lit room made it harder for my eyes to bear the cigarette smoke which drew out stinging tears every time I squint. The crowd did not help either, making the humid air even heaver on the skin.The melange of smoke, spicy food, maybe sweat, and alcohol was nauseating. When I opened my mouth I could somehow taste the air, or was it just the taste of beer and minced pork that lingered in my mouth. The sound of the 90s alternative worked effectively as exhilarant, but was numbing towards the end of the night. Yet, in spite of this somewhat harsh environment, everything felt right and perfect for me and seven of high school friends to have our “spur of the moment” reunion of some sort at Sammy’s — a popular local watering hole for yuppies in Evergreen. That is how I remember seeing Cathy once again, two years after I attended a party her parents threw for her after getting her license to practice law. The soft spoken Cathy, that captivated my heart all through-out high school was there — immaculate with her long black hair, fair flawless skin, and eyes that glisten and smile at you as if you said something nice or silly. She was there sitting in front of me wearing her lawyer outfit, turning her head ever so gently from left to right, listening attentively to stories our friends have so longed held and waited to share. She smiled and made cute faces, or looked puzzled, then surprised; but what I considerably noticed about her was that she had become even more stunning and sophisticated. I remember Cathy back in Evergreen Valley High School; slender and soft-spoken. Her pretty face was envied by many. Boys would give her flowers and presents every Valentine’s day. Those who could not find courage to approach her would just leave notes written in post-its simply folded that half of the sticky part would seal the note and the other half would stick to her table. Somehow she didn’t mind all that attention. I, on the other hand, would just carefully observe and wondered what it would be like having long conversations with her. I thought maybe it would be like just a dreamy exchange of thoughts about school work and what it would be like in college, and just having to tell her how sublime it was to spent time with her. Though reserved with her words and actions, Cathy was very much active in school. She was in stage plays, the choral, and the volleyball team. She excelled in Biology, Chemistry I think, and Algebra. An upright student that would sometimes surprise you with unexpected acts of mischief. I remember her one time helping me in our Algebra exam. I was seated next to her and was having a hard time computing linear equations. Bitting the tip of my pen and wiping beads of sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand, she noticed that I was struggling. She then slightly kicked my foot and cautiously tilted her paper so that I could see her answers. I keenly copied Cathy’s paper — on guard, alternately looking at Mrs. Harper our teacher patrolling the aisle and understanding the hieroglyphic juxtaposition of numbers and letters. I was never good with numbers. I was more into language and literature which my friends thought was lame. I like arts, music, and writing. I’d rather read novels and magazines in between practices when I was in the high school basketball varsity. And yes, I was in the basketball varsity. My saving glory from the shunned and uneventful world of “nerdom.” I was juggling sports and writing, representing the school in various contests, which eventually affected my game. Nonetheless, I was an Evergreen Valley Cougar until I graduated. I was quite popular during high school, but not as popular as Cathy. I did hung out with the popular kids and even became a student president at one time.


For example, you will first look at how the overall paper and your ideas for Highlight your thesis and the topic sentence of each paragraph.These words and phrases help the writing flow smoothly.When you revise to improve cohesion, you analyze how the parts of your paper.Use strong verbs not weak adverbs.












hope is help

6. Question 1 What can we say about the gods in The Odyssey? They know more than humans, but they are not perfect. They sometimes drive the plot by giving the characters information. They often disagree with one another on what ought to happen to Odysseus. All of the above. Question 2 Which is true of Penelope in the story? She is a weak character, subject to forces of various kinds. She manipulates her suitors. She has no voice, which reflects the patriarchal mentality of The Odyssey. She looks for an opportunity to betray Odysseus as soon as he fails to return quickly from the Trojan War. Question 3 What is true about Odysseus’ interactions with Calypso? The gods do not intervene in Calypso’s plans for Odysseus. Odysseus refuses to have sexual relations with Calypso out of loyalty to his wife Penelope. Odysseus shows great skills of diplomacy in his dealing with the Calypso. When Odysseus departs the island, Calypso is so angry that she refuses to give him goods to help him on his voyage. Question 4 Which of the following is FALSE about the way that the The Odyssey treats the ethics of its characters and settings? It is largely an ethics of survival. As a character, Odysseus develops morally as the story progresses and returns to Ithaca much more subdued and respectful than when he left. It can be understood as an allegory for the difficulties of maintaining a city-state in a politically turbulent world. It positions listeners and readers in between Greek peoples and other civilizations. Question 5 What CANNOT be inferred from the beginning of The Odyssey? It will inevitably conclude with a great battle between different factions of gods. It is primarily about the travails of a single man, Odysseus. Odysseus is a man of many turns of phrase, i.e., a man who knows how to manipulate language. The Odyssey is a travel tale. Question 6 Which of the following is NOT a cultural innovation that undergirded the soft power Alexander the Great commanded? The Greeks made the alphabet easy to use for writing. Libraries were established in places under Alexander’s rule. The invention of Pergamentum, or parchment. The invention of papyrus. Question 7 Which of the following is true about Greek drama? It is an art form that first developed in Alexander’s time. The use of an elaborately written play to be performed in large open-air theatres was one of the central inventions of Greek culture. Alexander hated Greek drama, and attempted to shut down all performances. Because drama was only written in Greek, it did not catch on for other cultures and linguistic groups. Question 8 Which of the following is true about Alexander’s export of libraries? The library of Alexandria was the second-most important library in Alexander’s time. The library of Alexandria was established in the wake of Alexander’s conquest of India. The library of Pergamon was the most important library of Alexander’s time. It was in the libraries that scribes copied and interpreted great Greek texts and used them for educational purposes. Question 10 Which of the following does NOT explain how Alexander contributed to the canonization of Homer? It was in Alexander’s libraries through which the prominence of Homer’s epics was first established. Alexander had a preference for Homer over other literary figures and refused to publish anyone else’s work. Alexander’s conquest helped to expand the influence of Homer beyond the territory of Greece proper. Alexander used Homer’s epics to promote and spread Greek culture throughout his empire.

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7. Question 1 What can we say about the gods in The Odyssey? They know more than humans, but they are not perfect. They sometimes drive the plot by giving the characters information. They often disagree with one another on what ought to happen to Odysseus. All of the above. Question 2 Which is true of Penelope in the story? She is a weak character, subject to forces of various kinds. She manipulates her suitors. She has no voice, which reflects the patriarchal mentality of The Odyssey. She looks for an opportunity to betray Odysseus as soon as he fails to return quickly from the Trojan War. Question 3 What is true about Odysseus’ interactions with Calypso? The gods do not intervene in Calypso’s plans for Odysseus. Odysseus refuses to have sexual relations with Calypso out of loyalty to his wife Penelope. Odysseus shows great skills of diplomacy in his dealing with the Calypso. When Odysseus departs the island, Calypso is so angry that she refuses to give him goods to help him on his voyage. Question 4 Which of the following is FALSE about the way that the The Odyssey treats the ethics of its characters and settings? It is largely an ethics of survival. As a character, Odysseus develops morally as the story progresses and returns to Ithaca much more subdued and respectful than when he left. It can be understood as an allegory for the difficulties of maintaining a city-state in a politically turbulent world. It positions listeners and readers in between Greek peoples and other civilizations. Question 5 What CANNOT be inferred from the beginning of The Odyssey? It will inevitably conclude with a great battle between different factions of gods. It is primarily about the travails of a single man, Odysseus. Odysseus is a man of many turns of phrase, i.e., a man who knows how to manipulate language. The Odyssey is a travel tale. Question 6 Which of the following is NOT a cultural innovation that undergirded the soft power Alexander the Great commanded? The Greeks made the alphabet easy to use for writing. Libraries were established in places under Alexander’s rule. The invention of Pergamentum, or parchment. The invention of papyrus. Question 7 Which of the following is true about Greek drama? It is an art form that first developed in Alexander’s time. The use of an elaborately written play to be performed in large open-air theatres was one of the central inventions of Greek culture. Alexander hated Greek drama, and attempted to shut down all performances. Because drama was only written in Greek, it did not catch on for other cultures and linguistic groups. Question 8 Which of the following is true about Alexander’s export of libraries? The library of Alexandria was the second-most important library in Alexander’s time. The library of Alexandria was established in the wake of Alexander’s conquest of India. The library of Pergamon was the most important library of Alexander’s time. It was in the libraries that scribes copied and interpreted great Greek texts and used them for educational purposes. Question 10 Which of the following does NOT explain how Alexander contributed to the canonization of Homer? It was in Alexander’s libraries through which the prominence of Homer’s epics was first established. Alexander had a preference for Homer over other literary figures and refused to publish anyone else’s work. Alexander’s conquest helped to expand the influence of Homer beyond the territory of Greece proper. Alexander used Homer’s epics to promote and spread Greek culture throughout his empire.


If you are hoping for a baby, this new moon will open the door for that possibility, and a pregnancy might happen within the coming weeks.

8. 29. Which of the following works does NOT fall under African literature? A. A novel from Nigeria B. A poem from Mauritania C. A play from Sudan D. A poern from Turk 30. Human trafficking victims from Northern Africa is an example of what theme? A. Displacement B. Rootlessness C. Tradition D. Nationalism 31. The following are winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature from Asia, EXCEPT: A. Rabindranath Tagore (India) B. Donald Trump (USA) C. Yasunari Kawabata (Japan) D. Kenzaburo C 32. An annual literary award from 2007 and 2012, given to the best novel by an Asian writer, 'to significantly raise international awareness and appreciation of Asian literature." A. Man Asian Literary Prize B. Nobel Prize C. Face of the Year D. Man of the Year 33. From Bi Feiyu's Three Sisters story, To the villagers outside the door she was a pitiful sight, what does the un word mean? A. beautiful B. admirable C. miserable D. pleasant 34. From the passage in Benedict Wells' The End of Loneliness, At mealtimes we wolfed down all that we could, never enough. What does the bold word mean? A. eat angrily B. eat comfortably C. eat greedily D. eat joyfully 35. European Literature is synonymous with A. African B. Eastern C. Oriental D. Western 36. The theme of The End of Loneliness is? A cross-border movement C. struggles with a united Europe B. effects of economic failures D. traumas of the past 37. The theme of these stories appeal to readers by exploring human psychology, fear, death, and imagination in rating psychology into their themes, making the supernatural more believable and realistic. A. Gothic B. Social Realism C. Feminism D. Modernismo 38. All are elements of a Gothic literature, EXCEPT: A. Mystery and Fear B. Atmosphere and Setting C. Emotional Distress D. Character 39. The first Latin American winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. A. Gabriela Mistral B. Laura Esquivel C. Paula Abdul D. Selena Q 40. Science fiction is synonymous to fantasy. A. True B. False C. Sometimes D. Always 41. All are themes of 21st Century world literature, EXCEPT: A. Technoculture B. Hyperreality C. Irony D. Paranoia 42. Soft science fiction gives emphasis on A Facts B. Emotional level C. Scientific evidence D. Imaginatic 43. Women's right to vote is what wave of feminism? A First Wave B. Second wave C. Third Wave D. Fourth We 44. It is analysing a text or a poem by carefully reading and rereading a text until an interpretation is made. A Close reading B. Interpretation C. Colonial theme D. Rereading 45. Which is an adaptation of multimedia? A. Printed copy of Beowulf C. Works of the Nobel Prize Literature B. Performing declamation D. An online game based on Greek mytholog 46. What does multimedia technology integrate? A text, animation, audio, video C. One-act Play B. Old Movies D. Performance on Declamation 47. Which has a subject for a literature of war or conflict? A. Survivors of the Bataan Death March C. Debate on the influence of KPop in Filipino B. Travellers getting stranded because of typhoons D. Refugees or people living in evacuation ces 48. Which statement from the 21® century literature does NOT have the theme and technique of technoculture? A. Mae rested her head on Annie's shoulder. "All that happens will be known," she whispered. B. "There needs to be accountability. Tyrants can no longer hide. There needs to be, and will be access and documentation C. The sailors thought they had found no less a place than the Garden of Eden. And for a time that's what Eur thought Africa was. D. The screen fills with live views from every authoritarian regime --and everywhere the cameras were so sma went undetected. anted in the text?​


A . beautiful

but I'm not sure


29. B

30. B

31. B

32. A

33. C

34. B

35. B

36. D

37. D










47. A




9. PERFORMANCE TASKRead the selection below. Fill in the graphic organizer to complete the story grammar that follows. A Glass of MilkOnce upon a time, there was a poor boy who made for his living by selling newspapers fromdoor-to-door. This was the way he used to earn money to pay the fees for his school.One day, as he was walking from house to house distributing newspaper, as usual, he feltvery low and was starving. He felt that he could not walk anymore. He was so hungry that hedecided to ask for food at one of the houses. As he knocked on the door, he was astonished to seea beautiful young girl opening the door.With much hesitation, he asked the girl for a glass of water. The young girl immediatelyunderstood the poor boy's condition and offered him a huge glass of milk. With a surprising look,the boy drank the milk and thanked the pretty girl. The newspaper boy asked," How much do I oweyou for this milk?" "I don't want any money for this," replied the girl in a very soft voice. The boyonce again thanked the girl with all his heart and left the place.Nonsense/copied = report​



The story happened in one of the houses where the boy delivers newspapers. Specifically the house the young girl.


The people in the story are the poor boy and the kind girl.


The poor boy sells news paper made a living out of selling news papers in order to make some money. However..One day while delivering news papers he felt that he could not walk anymore. He was hungry. He decided to ask for some food in one of the houses where he delivers news papers.


It is possible that the poor boy has been delivering for a few hours now, Or he hasn't eaten yet which then resulted in him being hungry.


The poor boy decided to ask food from one of the houses where he delivers newspapers.


A beautiful girl opened the door, The girl saw the poor boy's condition. So instead of giving him a glass of water, she instead gave him A large glass of Milk. The Boy was very touched by the girl's action. He thanked the girl with all his heart and left.


Be nice to everyone around you. Be humble. There are many people out there that are struggling with their lives so it is important to help them. Especially those who are in need. Be beautiful inside and out and show grace and compassion towards the poor.

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