Als A e Test Result

Als A e Test Result

me effects of thethe effect of both tat-pharet Powerptheir offspring have calf190SOKof theiframeer wifeper byare by4. What are the phoneA vy and wewana wthe genotypeswane dogramtoredate this res, w would be thetrait Wavevos. Al thee that arisein a cross white fowered plantphenotype ratio of the offspringA18.212014C13offspringmonohyoid a test cross of6. What would be the genotypectoheterorveous indidual resulting toAC.13B.220146​

Daftar Isi

1. me effects of thethe effect of both tat-pharet Powerptheir offspring have calf190SOKof theiframeer wifeper byare by4. What are the phoneA vy and wewana wthe genotypeswane dogramtoredate this res, w would be thetrait Wavevos. Al thee that arisein a cross white fowered plantphenotype ratio of the offspringA18.212014C13offspringmonohyoid a test cross of6. What would be the genotypectoheterorveous indidual resulting toAC.13B.220146​

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2. Massive many interge Assessment Test. Read each item below and welte the letter of the corect answer 1. what occurs when rocks along a tout suddenly move Tsunami b. Volcanic Eruption c. Ecrthquake d.lyphoon 2. what type of fourt is the picture at the right a Normal Four D. Reverse Fault c. Strike silo Rount other In the 3. what term is used to refer the study of Earthquoker a Seismologist b. Seismic c. Seismology d. Geology 4 what kind of soisiic waves that travels only through solid materials and shaar ook loyers at right angles? a. p-woveb. -wove c.l-wave d. All of the choices or conect s. Waves that travel through the earth's loyers, and a result of an earthquake explosion or volcanic eruption. a Tsunami b. Seismic waves c. Tidol waves d. Al of the choices are corect 6. What is used to indicate the effects or visible damage done by on earthquake a. Intensity b. Mognitude c. Ruler d. Semograph 7. What measures the energy released by an earthquake a. Intensity b. Magnitude c Rule d. Intensity and Mognitude 8. An earthquakes epicenter i o the spot below the focus b. any spot along the nearest tout c. the spot on the surface direchy above the focus d. a spot hollway between the focus on the stoc 9. A fault is a huge boulder b. tidal wave cause by an earthquake b c. a crack in the earth 10. What do you call the seeping out of water trom the ground during an earthquake a. fault movement b.iqueloction b e dal movement anom 11. What agency in the Philippines monitors volcanic activities? a. Department of Health b. Department of Educotion b c. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology​






hope it's help po

3. Column A ________ 22. Based on your observation, your dog always comes running to you when he hears you open the can of dog food and salivates from the smell of it. ________ 23. It is revealed in your study that few of your classmates are exceptionally good in language, and there are some who are mathematically inclined. Some classmates are also excellent in music and sport. ________ 24. You noticed that children always ask questions and consistently curious about how things came to be. ________ 25. Your study revealed that younger siblings aged 5-8 tend to imitate what the adults do. ________ 26. Based on your interview with children aged 4-7, they said that they do not believe the moon exists in the morning. ________ 27. Based on the scores of your experiment, some of your classmates got higher scores when they are listening to classical music as opposed to the others who did not. ________ 28. In your interview with your friend, you found out that he can hardly trust even his own foster family. It was later revealed by the foster parents that he was physically abused by his real parents when he was still a baby. ________ 29. You noticed that your classmates tend to be so active in recitation when the teacher writes down the names of those who recite. ________ 30. You interviewed your parents to know what they would buy when they are awarded a million pesos. They told you that they would buy your own house and consistent food supply.Column BA. Between the ages of 4 and 7, children become very interested and ask a lot of questions, indicating that they are starting to use primitive reasoning. There is a resurgence of interest in logic and the need to understand why things are the way they are (Piaget, 1890).B. In a learning mechanism known as classical conditioning, a biologically potent stimulus (e.g. food) is paired with a hitherto neutral stimulus (e.g. a bell) (Pavlov, 1897).C. Centration is the act of concentrating all of one's attention on one aspect or characteristic of a situation while ignoring all others (Piaget, 1890).D. The first stage of Erikson's (1950) theory focuses on how the parents or caregivers meet the infant's basic needs and how this relationship leads to trust or distrust.E. The Mozart effect is the idea that listening to classical music will temporarily improve IQ test scores on one section (Rauscher et al. 1993).F. Social learning theory is a learning and social behavior theory that argues that new habits can be learned by watching and imitating others (Bandura, 1971).G. Operant conditioning is a method of learning that uses incentives and punishments to motivate people to learn. This form of conditioning assumes that an action and a result, such as a reward or punishment, have a causal relationship that leads to learning (Skinner, 1938).H. The physiological need, according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1954), is a term developed to clarify and cultivate the basis for motivation. The key physical prerequisite for human existence is this definition.I. Rather than describing intelligence as a single, general capacity, the theory of multiple intelligences suggests that human intelligence be divided into distinct "modalities of intelligence" (Gardner, 1983).FOR THE LAST HELP ME, I NEED TO SUMBIT THIS TODAY HOPE U CAN HELP ME​

Its gurdian of maner oden sama

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