Father Of Children s Literature

Father Of Children s Literature

III. Analyzing Literature Directions: Read the story of “Lord Krishna” and answer the questions that follow. Type your answers in the space provided. Lord Krishna The future Lord Krishna was born into dangerous circumstances. His uncle, the evil King Kamsa, had been told that Krishna's mother would give birth to a son who would destroy him. So, the king imprisoned his sister and killed her children. But when Krishna was born, his father spirited him away to be raised by another family. Though young and gentle, Krishna had great wisdom bestowed upon him by Lord Vishnu. In those days, Krishna lived in Vrindavan, a holy town in Uttar Pradesh, northern India. Each year, the people there made offerings to Indra, the fierce ruler of clouds and rain, hoping to soothe Indra’s temper. Krishna clearly recognized that Indra was neither generous nor sincere; he was selfish, haughty, and unworthy of respect. Krishna thought of teaching Indra a lesson so he told the people. “Indra is a bully we need not serve. Instead, it makes more sense to worship Govardhan, our mountain that supports us. Let us honor, kind Govardhan, who unselfishly shares her lush forests and urges the clouds to shower us.” The people agreed with Krishna’s idea. After Indra had known this, he flew into a mighty rage. “These farmers ignore me to worship a mountain on the advice of a child? What an insult! I shall severely punish them!” he thundered. Indra ordered the clouds to send furious winds and driving rains to Vrindavan. The storm terrified the people who fearfully sought help from young Krishna. With supreme calmness, grace, and power, Krishna lifted Govardhan into the air using only the little finger of his left hand. He steadfastly held the mountain like an umbrella, protecting Vrindavan for seven stormy days and nights. With this, Indra acknowledged his error. He ceased the storm and deeply apologized to Krishna. Thus, this made humans learn not to give in to disaster and become resilient. Provide the plot of the story. Exposition: 16-17 _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Rising Action: 18-19. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________. Climax: 20-21. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Falling Action: 22-23. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Resolution: 24-25. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. 26-30. What have you learned from the story? What do you think is the theme? ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________.

Daftar Isi

1. III. Analyzing Literature Directions: Read the story of “Lord Krishna” and answer the questions that follow. Type your answers in the space provided. Lord Krishna The future Lord Krishna was born into dangerous circumstances. His uncle, the evil King Kamsa, had been told that Krishna's mother would give birth to a son who would destroy him. So, the king imprisoned his sister and killed her children. But when Krishna was born, his father spirited him away to be raised by another family. Though young and gentle, Krishna had great wisdom bestowed upon him by Lord Vishnu. In those days, Krishna lived in Vrindavan, a holy town in Uttar Pradesh, northern India. Each year, the people there made offerings to Indra, the fierce ruler of clouds and rain, hoping to soothe Indra’s temper. Krishna clearly recognized that Indra was neither generous nor sincere; he was selfish, haughty, and unworthy of respect. Krishna thought of teaching Indra a lesson so he told the people. “Indra is a bully we need not serve. Instead, it makes more sense to worship Govardhan, our mountain that supports us. Let us honor, kind Govardhan, who unselfishly shares her lush forests and urges the clouds to shower us.” The people agreed with Krishna’s idea. After Indra had known this, he flew into a mighty rage. “These farmers ignore me to worship a mountain on the advice of a child? What an insult! I shall severely punish them!” he thundered. Indra ordered the clouds to send furious winds and driving rains to Vrindavan. The storm terrified the people who fearfully sought help from young Krishna. With supreme calmness, grace, and power, Krishna lifted Govardhan into the air using only the little finger of his left hand. He steadfastly held the mountain like an umbrella, protecting Vrindavan for seven stormy days and nights. With this, Indra acknowledged his error. He ceased the storm and deeply apologized to Krishna. Thus, this made humans learn not to give in to disaster and become resilient. Provide the plot of the story. Exposition: 16-17 _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Rising Action: 18-19. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________. Climax: 20-21. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Falling Action: 22-23. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Resolution: 24-25. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. 26-30. What have you learned from the story? What do you think is the theme? ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________.

Provide the plot of the story.



It happened in Northern India, the town of Vrindavan. Where Lord Krishna appeared. His Uncle, King Kamsa wanted to kill Lord Krishna because, someone told him that his nephew would destroy him. He imprisoned both of Krishna's parents into his dungeons. The people of Vrindavan loved Lord Krishna very much. He was kind, gentle and aloof. But at the same time he is very powerful and strong.

Rising Action:


Each year the people of Vrindavan gave offerings to the demigod Lord Indra. He is the king of heaven and rain, because of Indra's great power he grew arrogant. To full of himself. he was becoming selfish, haughty, and unworthy of respect. So to teach him a lesson Lord Krishna advised the people to offer Govardhan hill instead. The hill was generous, tolerant and kind.



When Lord Indra found out about this he was furious. He ordered his clouds to make a scary storm and flood Vrindavan. The people were terrified and asked Lord Krishna to protect them from angry Indra. With supreme calmness, grace, and power, Krishna lifted Govardhan. Simply with his little finger on his left hand. Lord Krishna lifted the hill for seven whole days.  

Falling Action:


Lord Indra realizing his mistake quickly commanded to stop the scary storm. The clouds cleared and the sun showed its face again.



After that day, Lord Indra went to Vrindavan to apologise to Lord Krishna. The sky was covered in pinks and reds. They showered flowers to Lord Krishna. Haribol!

26-30. What have you learned from the story? What do you think is the theme?

I learned that you should not be arrogant and selfish because it will only make you envious and angry. We should make Lord Krishna as an example or a role model. We should be kind, gentle and nice to everyone. We should also try to be calm, relax and think when we are in a scary situation. Being mad will do us nothing. Personally I think the theme was trust and love. The people of Vrindavan trusted and depended on Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna helped them. The people were devoted, completely surrendered to Lord Krishna. They loved him so very much.


Lord Krishna actually faced King Kamsa. Kamsa finally found out where Krishna was living and sent his minister to fetch him. Turns out Kamsa invited Krishna to a wrestling match in his newly built arena. Krishna fought with kamsa's greatest wrestlers with his brother Lord Balaram. Krishna and Balaram completely wrecked them. Kamsa got mad. Him and Krishna fought. Krishna Killed him. They freed his parents. He became king. Married some wifes. Rescued many wife's. Then Mahabharat happened.

Personally I like stories when he was still in Vrindavan. Chefs Kiss!

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