Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

The experience taught us courage, patience, and​

Daftar Isi

1. The experience taught us courage, patience, and​



Hope this helps

2. Aman sharma postgraduate institute of medical education and research


Aman Sharma currently works as a Professor at the Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Services, Department of Internal Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India.His areas of research are rare rheumatological diseases and HIV TB Co infection. He is the founder of INVAR(Indian Vasculitis registry), IRPR(Indian Relapsing polychondritis registry).He is currently studying the outcomes in Small and Medium vessel vasculitis. He has developed a diagnostic criteria of Poncet's arthritis and Classification criteria of Intra Ocular tuberculosis. There are research collaborations in the field of Psoriasis, Uveitis, Extra Pulmonary tuberculosis. He is a member of Annual Meeting Planning Commitee of ACR and IRA Treasurer


3. why students are taught science through experiments​


Science experiments promote discovery and learning. Discovering new ideas is an integral part of learning science. Science experiments play a very crucial role in the on going intellectual development of children. In science laboratories, children get time, space, as well as resources to exercise their curiosity

4. Have you ever had a negative experience that taught you a positive lesson? What was it and what did you learn?


Attempt a suicide,but I realized that my life is precious and important because it is given to by god,our lives in this world is to live happy and positive.

5. What similar experience have you had that taught you the values of responsibility and accountability?​


Martha is frustrated. She's trying to solve a problem with a stationery order, but the customer service agent she's talking to isn't helping.

"It was the dispatch team's fault. I can't do anything about that," he says. Martha asks to be put through to another agent. He handles the situation very differently.

"I'm sorry to hear about this problem," he says. "I'll find out what's happened and send the order by express delivery. It will be with you tomorrow."

Martha feels less stressed straightaway. The first agent shirked his responsibilities, but the second made himself personally accountable for fixing the problem. He took ownership of the situation, apologized, and found a solution.

6. explain how a character experience taught you about the value of accepting differences in people hatchback of notre dame

we should not discriminate others on how they looks we should think fair and dont judge the book by its cover

7. . Writing an Autobiography: PAST Choose a very memorable experience that taught you an important life lesson. Write an excerpt of your autobiography about that experience.​


Once in a life for every person depression phase come and one who survived that will get the best lessons of the life and that person will have no fear living alone and can decide whom to trust and how to give direction to anger.

That depression phase came in my life 2years ago. In Month of April-May, I've been very depressed because of my breakup. But somehow i managed to continue my daily routines. I was not able to concentrate on my studies I was living alone and i didn’t feel anything but anger and hate. My anger was keep rising during that time, instead of finding solutions to problem i was ended up with argument.

I used to keep talk with my friends over phone that relaxes me but only for little time. As the time passed, I realized i was doing wrong with myself for someone else mistake. My friend supported me to get rid out of this situation and i learned not to expect anything from anyone and learned to fight any kind of worse conditions.

I agree it takes time to recover from depression phase but if you refuse to give up and keep yourself motivated and push yourself harder then you will realize your true potential.

I’m still learning and trying to keep myself on right track. I’m still trying to overcome my fear . Best Friends and Family will always support you, you have to believe in yourself only.


Base on my experience...

8. 3. What does this dark experience taught you in life?​


Life teaches us that we won't always get what we want right away, it teaches us that no matter how strong our time management skills are and no matter how good we are at predicting our future, we really don't have power over time. We can't do anything about it if it isn't our time yet.


I hope that helps

Answer: dark experiences taught me how important is to value every chapter in our lives,learn from my failures/mistakes,and learn from my past and love myself even more.I also consider it as a life-changing experience.

9. 2. What did our experience with the Covid-19 pandemic taught us about how differentsocio-economic classes should interact?​


covid 19


the covid 19 is an about to sick the people and to die the people


It taught us that before we wish that we don't go to school, but know we realized that not having a face to face learning is hard. We realized that we miss the crowded classrooms, and that it is hard to adjust on something were not used to be.

10. Explain how the characters (hunchback of notre dame) experience taught you about the value of accepting differences in people?

The characters of the story entitled "Hunchback of Notre Dame" taught me that the differences in people should not be taken against them because each differences has a purpose and its goodness.Therefore, the only way to do with the people's differences is to accept and respect it because condemning them would not make anyone greater. 

11. cite an experience that taught you to be humbleplss po​


A humble person is a growing person who is quick to read, invite feedback, and ask good questions. A humble person is at peace with themselves and others. Humility embraces contentment and simplicity. It doesn't need to have the nicest or be the best. Humility puts relationships before the need to be right.


need mo na ba answers, eto na po

12. body narrate the fullness of your experience at the same time discussing the comparison lesson taught by the event​


exercise for the muscle that extends to get a new new body

13. This type of academic writing is commonly used for research, postgraduate and advanced undergraduate writing.

Critical writing is common for research, postgraduate and advanced undergraduate writing.

14. Explain what a characters experience has taught you about the value of accepting differences in people


First we descriminate others or judge them so accept others because they are you because god make us perfectly creatively.

15. recall search an experience where when you were taught in school at home or in community the value of respecting one's life​


I'm not sure if I can get it helps alleviate some more

16. How quasimodo's experience taught you about the value of accepting differences in people?

"Hunchback of Notre Dame" taught me that the differences in people should not be taken against them because each differences has a purpose and its goodness.Therefore, the only way to do with the people's differences is to accept and respect it because condemning them would not make anyone greater. 

17. Explain how a character's experience taught you about the value of accepting differences in people?

talk about the watsons go to burmingham about racial equality 

18. Explain how a character's experience taught you about the value of accepting differences in people?

First we descrimenate other or judge them so accept others because they are you because god make us perfectly and creatively . So love your enemies . Those differences are can be solved through a verbal communication .

19. In hunchback of notre dame explain how the characters experience taught you about the value of accepting differences?

One of the lessons to learn from reading the novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo is that of not judging by appearances. Quasimodo has been abandoned by his mother just because he has been born in an ugly twisted body - but that says nothing about his heart or his soul. We should weigh people up very carefully, by their words, deeds and attitudes towards others..

20. cite a personal experience that taught you to be humble


points plsssssssssssssssss

21. What similar experience have you had that taught you the values of responsibility and accountability?​

An example of accountability is when an employee admits an error she made on a project. When an employee is given the task of making sure a project goes right and knows she will be blamed if it doesn't, she can also be said to have accountability for the project.

22. recall instances when you have been deceived, what has such experience taught you?​


Being deceived has taught me to be vigilant and to be extra careful with people. It has also taught me that not everyone can be trusted, especially in business.


23. the lesson (taught or was taught) to the student.​


the lesson was taught to the students.




the lesson was taught to the student

24. Can you think of a time when influeintial person you love and trust taught you an important life lesson? Describe this experience


An influential person once taught me that we can't control time. It's a great example that we should enjoy our existence here on the earth, our life is only short and we can only live once. Do everything that makes you happy before your life ends.



25. Write 5 experiences that taught you very important lessons in life​


math mapeh since Filipino ap

26. a technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are taught to have desired informationa.)deductive methodb.)survey """"""""""c.)questionnaire"""""""""" ​


B. Survey mxedthod


pa follow po Thankyou!

27. learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught​


noun. 1The acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught. 'But presentations by experts in the teaching and learning process facilitated our efforts. ... 'Distance education facilitates lifelong learning, a major factor for all professionals in knowledge intensive fields.


brainlies please

28. check: What experience in your life taught you to become a positive individual?​

in what is your problem when its ur skin condition

29. achieving a postgraduate degree is neither cheap or nor will it be easy p or np​

Answer:Nonparallel or ( NP)


30. how do you past experiences taught a lesson in your life?​


Your present thinking is informed by past thinking. You'll be conscious of past successes and failures in your own ventures, your company's, and those of historical figures in society.



It taught a lesson for me to not to do the same mistakes again, you know the result by doing it so that means you don't want to to that again. Our past experience is a life lessons to us it speaks that we need to change our decision and think before you speak or do an actions.

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